Weighted refers to a calculation or measurement that takes into account the relative importance or value of different components or factors. In other words, it assigns more significance to some elements and less to others based on certain criteria.Weighted can be used in various contexts, such as: -• Weighted average: - A type of average calculation that gives more importance to some values and less to others. For example, a weighted average of grades might give more weight to exams and less to homework.• Weighted index: - A type of stock market index that reflects the performance of a group of stocks, taking into account the relative size of each company. A weighted index assigns more weight to larger companies and less to smaller ones.• Weighted random selection: - A process in which each item in a set is assigned a weight, and items are then selected at random based on their weight. This can be used to simulate real-world scenarios, where some outcomes are more likely than others.In general, weighted calculations provide a more nuanced and representative measurement of a set of data or factors, taking into account the relative importance of each component. However, it's important to be mindful of how weights are assigned, as the results of weighted calculations can be greatly impacted by the chosen criteria.