Structured Note
Reverse Convertible Notes (RCN): - are structured notes that pay a fixed coupon and have a maturity. They are linked to an underlying stock or index, and if the underlying stock or index falls below a certain level, the investor may receive a lower return or even lose money. -
Capital Protected Notes (CPN): - are structured notes that guarantee the return of the investor's capital, regardless of the performance of the underlying asset. In exchange for this protection, the investor may receive a lower return. -
Autocallable Notes (ACN): - are structured notes that pay a fixed coupon and have a maturity. They are linked to an underlying stock or index, and if the underlying stock or index reaches a certain level, the note will be automatically redeemed early, typically at a premium to the face value of the note. -
Buffered Notes: - They guarantee a minimum return and also cap the maximum return. They are called buffered as they buffer the returns from the underlying assets.