A Stock Symbol, also known as a ticker symbol, is a unique abbreviation assigned to publicly traded companies on a stock exchange. It is used to identify the specific stock and to facilitate trading of the stock on stock exchanges. The stock symbol is typically a short combination of letters, and it can be used to track and research the stock on financial websites and trading platforms.For example, the stock symbol for Apple Inc. is "AAPL", for Amazon.com it is "AMZN", and for General Electric it is "GE". The stock symbol is used on stock exchanges, financial websites, and trading platforms to represent and identify the specific stock.The stock symbol is usually unique to a company and it does not change, even if the company name changes, or if the company is acquired by another company. The stock symbol is used by traders, investors, and financial analysts to refer to a specific stock, and it also helps to simplify the process of buying and selling stocks.It is important to note that different stock exchanges may use different symbol systems, so a stock symbol on one exchange may not be the same as the symbol used on another exchange. For example, a stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) will have a different symbol than the same stock traded on the NASDAQ exchange.