The Spot Price, also known as the cash price, is the current market price at which a particular asset, commodity, or financial instrument can be bought or sold for immediate delivery. It reflects the current market conditions and supply and demand forces.Spot prices are different from futures prices, which are prices for a contract to buy or sell an asset at a future date. Futures prices are based on an agreement between the buyer and the seller to trade an asset at a specific price on a specific date in the future. The price of a futures contract is determined by the spot price of the asset plus or minus any interest or storage costs.An example of a spot price is the price of a barrel of crude oil, which can fluctuate based on current events and supply and demand. The spot price of crude oil can be different from the futures price of crude oil, which is the price of a contract to buy or sell crude oil on a specific date in the future.Another example is the spot price of gold, which reflects the current market price for gold bullion, coins or jewelry for immediate delivery. The spot price of gold can be different from the futures price of gold, which is the price of a contract to buy or sell gold on a specific date in the future.