Quantitative Trading is a type of trading that uses mathematical functions and automated trading models to make trading decisions. This type of trading is often used by large financial institutions and hedge funds. Quantitative traders use sophisticated software to identify market trends and make trades based on these trends.One advantage of quantitative trading is that it can take advantage of opportunities that human traders may miss.For example, if there is a sudden change in the market, quantitative traders can quickly identify the opportunity and make a trade before other investors are aware of what has happened.Additionally, because quantitative traders do not have emotions, they are less likely to make irrational decisions when faced with volatile markets.However, one disadvantage of quantitative trading is that it relies heavily on computer models which can be susceptible to errors. If a computer model makes an incorrect prediction about the market, this could lead to significant losses for the trader using the model. Additionally, because quantitative traders do not interact with other investors or understand their motivations behind trades, they may be at a disadvantage when trying to predict future market movements."