Market Portfolios are ideal for people who don't know what they want to invest in. They're a convenient way to invest your money without worrying about the risk involved with any particular asset class.With market portfolios, you can be sure that your portfolio is diversified across a range of investments, and that you'll receive an equal amount of return on each one. Plus, the expected return of market portfolios is identical to the market as a whole – meaning your investment will grow over time regardless of whether the markets are rising or falling.In a world where every asset is getting attention, Market Portfolio is an app that brings all of them together in one place. You can easily see and compare the returns from diverse investments all at once. The app also gives you an average rate of return based on historical data, so you can easily predict what to expect in future. No more guessing! With Market Portfolio, you know exactly how much money you are making by investing in different assets.