A Laggard is a stock or security that is underperforming relative to its benchmark or peers. A laggard will have lower-than-average returns compared to the market. A laggard is the opposite of a leader.You have been on a mission to make the most elegant stock market research tool. The tool you have built is called Laggard. It is an advanced excel based stock research platform, which enables traders and investors to search for the best performing stocks in any time frame, from 1 month to 10 years.The tool offers various features such as: -1- Stock data: - You can find out the price and volume of any stock.2- Operational metrics: - The tool provides all the metrics that are relevant to the stock market like revenue growth, EPS (earnings per share), dividend yield percentage, etc.3- Research tools: - The tool also provides various study tools like fundamental analysis, technical analysis and technical indicators.These highly rated stocks have been analyzed by a team of professional investment advisors and stock analysts. These analysts have used their knowledge, experience and expertise to determine which stocks are likely to perform well in the future. If you are looking to reduce risk while significantly increasing potential returns, these top selections could be a smart choice.