Green Funds
If you are somebody who is compelled to really be careful about what kind of companies you are investing your money into, well, you can definitely look into these green funds. -
If it were me, I would be interested in one of those mutual funds, green funds that invests in 400 to 500 different companies essentially. -
Having a fund, a mutual fund which is invested into many, many, many companies is a great way for you to stay diverse. -
A lot of these green companies or these companies that are considered in that ESG category qualified to be a green fund are companies are some companies you are already investing in with your S & P 500 index fund or your total stock market fund. -
Once you start looking at all of that, you will, you will kind of see, like I am seeing, green funds like one of those mutual funds are actually pretty diverse and very well managed, especially when you are going to do it at my favorite investing company, Charles Schwab, or Fidelity.