Fibonacci Arcs are a visual representation of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Triangle trading strategy. The concept of Fibonacci arcs is based on the relationships between the number pairs 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13. These numbers are related to the previous Fibonacci numbers by adding or subtracting them in consecutive increments. This is where the name “Fibonacci” comes from— it’s derived from Fiban or “to add”. The resulting sequence of numbers closely resembles a rabbit jumping over a series of hurdles in a garden. By connecting consecutive numbers in this way, Fibonacci arcs illustrate how market trends unfold.Diagram of Fibonacci Arcs:-A trendline is a mathematical line used to graph a change in a stock price over time. To create one for a stock price graph, start with the initial price and extend a line downward to connect the lowest low with the lowest low. Next, connect the lowest low with the highest high to form an upward-sloping line. Since every point on this trendline represents past data points in price movement, it can be used as an indicator to predict future prices.For example: if prices fall below their lowest point on a downward-sloping trendline, that indicates a bearish outlook for prices going forward.