Debt Financing can be a very effective way of raising funds if done right. If you are looking for ways in which you can raise capital, debt financing may be an option. This may be the case if you are in need of capital for working capital or even capital expenditures. This blog will help you understand debt financing, the different types of debt financing and also look at the benefits and drawbacks of debt financing.Debt financing occurs when a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling debt instruments to individuals and/or institutional investors. When a company obtains debt financing, the company receives funds in a lump sum. The company may be required to make periodic interest payments on the debt and will eventually be responsible for paying off the debt with a lump sum payment.Payment of debt will be primarily from cash flow from operations, issue of common stock or sale of assets. Debt financing might be the oldest type of financing but it might just be the most effective. Debt financing can be a very effective tool when it comes to getting money to run your business and in particular to grow your business. That is why this blog is dedicated to debt financing and how you can use debt financing effectively to grow your business.