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Current Account Deficit

Current Account Deficit

The Current Account Deficit is a measurement of a country’s trade where the value of the goods and services it imports exceeds the value of the products it exports. In order to finance this shortfall, a country must borrow from other countries or attract foreign investment. The current account deficit can be harmful to a country’s economy if it becomes too large, as it can lead to an increase in debt levels and make the country more vulnerable to external shocks.
There are several reasons why a country might run a current account deficit.
For example, if domestic demand for goods and services is high relative to supply, then imports will exceed exports and result in a current account deficit. Alternatively, if investment outweighs savings then this will also lead to increased borrowing and cause the current account balance to become negative.
A number of factors can influence whether or not a particular country experiences deficits or surpluses in its trade balance including economic growth rates, interest rates, exchange rates between currencies and commodity prices.
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