Bloomberg Terminal is an electronic system for tracking a large number of financial assets. A Bloomberg terminal provides up-to-the-minute market prices, news reports, and other information to brokerage firms, investment banks, institutional investors, and other financial professionals. It contains a vast amount of information about stocks, bonds, commodities, options, currencies and financial instruments. It is designed to help traders monitor and trade financial markets. The terminals are used by traders around the world, including hedge funds, banks, and other financial companies. The system can be accessed by the public, with a variety of pricing plans available.In addition to real-time data, the service also provides access to historic market data and an array of analytic tools. The terminal allows users to place trades directly via the system. All data are continually updated from the company's servers.The Bloomberg terminal is usually accessed using a computer terminal, but software applications (used on computers running Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux) are also available. Most customers access the Bloomberg Professional service using a dedicated terminal installed in their offices, although Bloomberg also provides access to the system via a smartphone.Being mostly text-based, the terminal can be used by those who are blind or have low vision to access information in the financial markets.