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American Depositary Receipt (ADR)

American Depositary Receipt (ADR)

An American Depositary Receipt (ADR) is a negotiable certificate issued by a U.S. depositary bank representing a specified number of shares usually one share of a foreign company's stock. The ADR trades on U.S. stock markets as any domestic shares would and offers investors in the United States another way to invest in overseas companies that they might not otherwise have access to, as well as giving foreign firms another avenue for raising money from American investors without having to list their stocks on U.S exchanges, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
The first ADRs were created in 1927 when Jardine Matheson & Co., an Asia-based trading company, listed its shares on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Ever since then, the use of ADRs has exploded; by 2007 there were over 2,000 different ADRs traded on U.S exchanges alone.
There are several benefits for both issuers and investors when it comes to using American depositary receipts:-
For issuers:-
  • Access to larger pool of potential investors - By listing their stocks on an American exchange via ADRs rather than trying to list them independently in each country where they operate, companies can gain exposure to a much larger group of potential shareholders than they would otherwise have access too . This is especially beneficial for smaller or newer firms who may not have the resources or name recognition needed to attract attention from international investors outside of their home market .
  • Lower costs and less hassle - Listed companies incur significant costs related listing requirements such as legal fees , accounting expenses ,and regulatory filing fees . In addition , being listed on an exchange also requires management time and effort devoted towards complying with ongoing disclosure requirements .. For many firms ,the cost savings and administrative efficiencies gained through issuing ADRs often outweigh any perceived benefits associated with maintaining independence from global capital markets ..
For Investors:-
  • Diversification - Investing in foreign companies provides exposure to new economic trends and opportunities that might not be available locally . Additionally , holding securities in multiple countries helps reduce overall portfolio risk .
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